Wednesday, September 16, 2009

High Five

Staggering in, clutching his side, Raphael collapses into his usual seat.

“I did it, Father, mission accomplished.”

He sighs contently.

“No forgiveness needed tonight, Father. I did nothing but good.”

He takes his hand away from his side for a second to assess the wound once more. His armor is cracked, a large hole in the side.

“Had an important mission today. It was supposed to be suicide.”

He places his hand back on his side, feeling the warmth through his glove.

“Had a jump clone readied incase I met my end. This assignment was out of pod, but…”

Raphael winces slightly as he applies more pressure.

“…I succeeded. God’s will has been done, and it has been completed by my hand. I’m closer, Father, to finally paying off my debts.”

He smiles, feeling happier than he has in a while as he reminisces about his victory.

“Those foolish Matari believed they could resist God’s light, and hide in the darkness. Even out of pod, I was able to show them their place. I think…I think I have finally become a true crusader.”

He wheezes as he struggles against the pain building in his chest.

“Just over the hill there, Father. It turns out they had been hiding just over the hill. The whole lot of them. I wonder, were they there when I came here before? Were they always so close?”

Saint slips a bit further down in his seat.

“The ship…was destroyed though. Need to…await…pick up.”

His chest heaves as he takes another breath.

“Definitely a cause for celebration. This wasn’t only a victory for God, or the Empire, but a personal victory. God smiled upon my previous endeavors, and blessed me in this one.”

In pain and struggling to breathe, he keeps smiling.

“I have more good news, Father. I found what it was I was looking for, what I told you about before. I found the man who has her, my mother. Somehow, these Matari were involved with him. I’ve found out where he operates, and I plan on paying him a visit as soon as I get out of here….and get this looked at.”

He grunts as a sharp pain ripples up his side.

“Excuse me, Father, but I need to get out in the open, so they can find me easier.”

He struggles to his feet, but slips on the puddle that had formed beneath his seat and collapses back into the chair. He smiles weakly.

“Perhaps…I will stay a bit longer.”

He struggles to sit higher in the chair, but his feet slip along the floor, unable to get a hold.

“A great, victory, Father. I’ve…finally found…her…”

He slowly closes his eyes, his voice fading as he continues to try and speak. As he falls silent, his head rolls to the side to rest on his shoulder, his arm falling limply to his side.